As Jeremy Wade I'm responsible to process your personal data.
If, after reading our privacy statement, you have any questions about this matter, you can contact us at:
Jeremy Wade
Why we proces personal data
Your personal data will be processed by Great Investment vzw for the following purposes and legal grounds:
- in order to be able to participate in the activities of Great Investment vzw;
- the sending of newsletters and invitations (consent of the person concerned and/or
legitimate interest);
- obtaining a subsidy by the government (legal obligation).
For the purposes above, we may request, store, collect and process the following personal data from you:
- Personal identity details: surname, first name, address, telephone number, email
- Identity data issued by the government: identity card number
- National registration number
- Personal characteristics: gender: date of birth, place of birth, nationality
- Physical characteristics
- Bank account number
We use the collected data only for the purpose for which we have obtained it in the first place.
Distribution for third parties
We may provide the information you provide to us to third parties if this is necessary for the execution of the above described purposes.
For example, we use a third party for:
- taking care of the internet environment (web hosting);
- taking care of the IT infrastructure (among other things, the IT network);
- providing (and distributing) newsletters and invitations;
- the calculation of wages and the drawing up of the necessary tax documents;
- compiling files relating to subsidies and/or other government matters.
We never pass on personal data to other parties who are not GDPR-compliant or with whom we have not entered into a specific processing agreement.
With these parties (processors) we make the necessary arrangements to ensure the security of your personal data.
Furthermore, we will not pass on information you provided to third parties, unless this is legally required and permitted.
Great Investment vzw - Sainctelettesquare 19, B-1000 Brussel
We may also share personal data with third parties if you give us permission to do so. You have the right to withdraw this consent at any time, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing
Period of storage
Great Investment vzw does not store personal data longer than necessary for the purpose for which it was provided or required by law, which is 5 years.
Your rights regarding your data
You have the right to inspect and the right to correct or remove the personal data we have received from you. Details of how to contact us can be found at the top of this privacy statement.
You can object to the processing of your personal data (or a part of it) by us or by one of our processors.
You have the right to have the data you provided to us transferred either to yourself or, upon your instructions, directly to another party. We may ask you to identify yourself before we can respond to the above request.
If you have a complaint about the processing of your personal data, we ask you to contact us directly.
You have the right to file a complaint with the Privacy Commission, this is the supervisory authority in the field of privacy protection.
Change of privacy statement
Great Investment vzw can change its privacy statement at any time. We will make an announcement of this change on our website, where you can always find the latest version.