Puddles the Pelican
The Story
Puddles the Pelican and her five piece band, The Creatures from the Deep are a Blood and Guts Concert Odyssey, embracing a politically charged form of queer science fiction to see through the violent present. Puddles, a survivor of the Deep Horizon Oil Spill, is a broken, scrappy, one-eyed bird of a cabaret singer, coming to you live from a cruise ship floating through hell. Welcome to Minus Level 9, the classy shit hole night club in the basement of the ship, where she and her band play one gut wrenching torch song after the next. She sings, squawks, moans and tells stories of love and loss. “Once a glorious bird, now covered in oil, which one of you Bitches has a match!?!”
The project is an experimental concert/performance bridging and defying multiple formats i.e. Cabaret, Hörspiel, Stand Up, Indie Rock and Apocalyptic Piano Bar Drag Musical on Acid. The work is hallucinatory, dreamlike, deeply emotional and funny as hell. The vivid imagery Puddles and Band provide take audiences from the pain of the world, an absolute breakdown, to soaring moments of togetherness, a full on fucking breakthrough. Paying homage to a political legacy of drag and torch songs that helped to unite numerous civil rights movements through time, the show is a form of social work. Every joke, every cringeworthy moment of silence, every tear shed on stage, is in effort to reciprocate with queer communities as a connection-hub for both mourning and celebrating the complicated now.. Come journey with us from the darkest trash swamp, to a bright clearing in the distance.
Front Bird: Puddles the Pelican aka Jeremy Wade
Piano: Sunny the Sea Anemone aka Quentin Tolimieri
Back Up Vocals: Zoe Jamileh
Drums: Liliana Zieniawa
Synth + Beats: Philipp Kulen
Bass: Ranjit Prasad
Collaborator in Crime: Darcey Bennett
Texts: Allison Wiltshire & Puddles the Pelican
Dramaturgy: Maika Knoblich
Artistic Mentor: Katerina Kokkinos-Kennedy
Costume: Claudia Hill & Josa Marx
Wig: Benjamin Kiss + Antina Christ
Lights + Sound:
Marco Pelaic
Special thanks to Christina Clar, Flo Wozny, Geovane Pedro De Bortoli, Michael Rollnick and Yoav Admoni,
to the incredible Ezra Green for the contribution of his poetry, to Hari Stojan for his feedback.
Thanks to Marc Lohr for his original arrangement of numerous songs in Act 1.
Puddles first appeared as part of “The Clearing”, a co production by HAU Hebbel am Ufer, supported by Hauptstadtkulturfonds.
‘Lost at Sea with Puddles and Sunny’ is a production by Puddles the Pelican,
in coproduction with Künstlerhaus Mousonturm.
Special thanks to Württembergische Kunstverein Stuttgart.